So overall this project has turned into a huge obstacle course. Our underground green house is not going to be underground anymore. We found out that there is a large possibility for there to be water problems if we dig there. However if we double stack the dirt bags we think we can maintain around the same amount of heat on the inside. I also went and filled 20 more dirt bags with the assistance of a tomato cage bag holder. I cut some tomato cages so I can prop the bags on them. It does not save much time but it does save your back when filling dirt bags. The problem is I used all the extra dirt that was at the green house. I have been at a standstill for about a week. We asked around campus to see where we could get some dirt to fill out dirt bags and found out that there are some HUGE piles of dirt on campus that nobody is going to use. Today I was trained by the university to drive one of their vehicles. I am going to try to get access to one of their pickup trucks Wednesday so I can take a few loads of dirt from campus to the greenhouse. However turns out you have to turn in the paper work to rent out the truck at least a week in advance. Caitlin Cooper came to visit campus today and let me borrow her S-10 pickup for a few hours. I was able to take about three loads of dirt to the green house. This should hold me over until I can rent a truck.
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