Monday, June 28, 2010

Who Are We?

We are the Dirtbag Brigade, A civilian group dedicated to the betterment of humanity. Our mission is to find an affordable way to grow food during the frigid winter months of Michigan. In order to accomplish this we are going to attempt to build an underground green house. This green house will be constructed mostly from the earth itself. We will dig into the ground about three feet and then use the dirt that was dug up to fill polypropylene bags or “earthbags”. The bags will be stacked in a pattern similar to how a mason would stack bricks. Barbed wire will be used to help bind the bags together between rows. We are also going to look into using sub irrigation planters or “Global Buckets” to grow plants with less maintenance. The green house will be 10’ by 12’. This is small in comparison to the Chinese greenhouses that we are modeling this project after. It will be interesting to see if they work the same due to the size change. Hopefully if this green house is successful it will allow for an affordable way to grow wholesome food in urban environments. This would also help bring down costs and allow local business to make food affordable for its consumers.